Noisy Guts

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Has the 2 + 5 fruit & veg campaign failed?

According to the Australia's Health 2018 report only 50% of adults eat the recommended 2 serves of fruit per day and only 7% eat the recommended 5 serves of vegetables. Some believe that Aussies are simply confused by what constitutes a ‘serve’. Does a fruit drink contribute to your daily 2+ 5 intake? Does vodka and tomato juice count? (hint: no…)


The American Gut Project demonstrated that people who consumed at least 30 different plant-based foods each week had more varied gut bacteria, and ultimately a healthier gut microbiome as a result. The data is compelling, but it seems like a much harder sell for a public health campaign.


Do you think we should stick to 2+ 5? And is there an easy way to sell 30 plant-based foods to Aussies?