Low fodmap lifesavers for the busiest time of year
My eldest is always complaining that our kitchen is FULL of ingredients but there’s nothing to eat! And honestly? She’s mostly right. Because of my IBS and fodmap sensitivities, I prefer to cook from scratch. I try my best to minimise processed foods, avoid colours and additives, and aim to serve 2+5 servings of fruit and veg daily (even if the kids spend half the meal feeding their unwanted spinach to the dog!)
But when life gets hectic (hello, Christmas, work deadlines and last-minute shopping!), I don’t always have time to prep everything from scratch. Let’s face it, December’s work schedule means the time between desk to dinner is shrinking. That’s why I’ve come up with 10 low fodmap pantry must-haves to survive the silly season.
Stock up on low fodmap crackers
Ideal for snacking or BYO party platters, low fodmap crackers pair perfectly with hard cheeses, lactose-free spreads and low fodmap dips (ps. here are my fav low fodmap dip recipes 👉🏽). Keep a stash in your pantry to avoid being caught off guard when people of drop over or when hunger strikes. My favourites are Mette’s gluten-free Nordic crackers, Roza’s gourmet crackers or budget-friendly rice crackers.
ps. we mean savoury crackers, not Xmas bonbons!
2. Fill your freezer with smoothie ingredients
Make sure there’s always some frozen berries and lactose-free milk available in your freezer (or stock up on shelf stable alternatives in your pantry). That way, you can always make yourself a smoothie or smoothie bowl at any time.
3. Stash low fodmap snacks in your car
When you’ve left things too late to go home before the next networking event, stash low fodmap snacks in your car. Pre-packaged low fodmap snacks like Fodbods protein bars, Carmen’s muesli bars or popcorn are excellent go-to options. They’re portable, delicious, and perfect for keeping hunger at bay during busy days or while traveling. The worst mistake you can make is to turn up to an after work event hungry!
4. Pile up the pasta & pasta sauce
A spare pack of pasta and pasta sauce (or two) might not win you Master Chef but they’re quick to prepare and ensure you can have a meal on the table in 15mins. I find this is particularly useful when the family cry out for take-out but you just know that pizza/kebabs/fish and chips is not going to end well for you and your gut. I like the texture of Barilla gluten-free pasta but there are lots of available now options. And Fodmapped For You have a range of ready-made sauces that are good backups. Perhaps you’re even lucky enough to live in a state where you can order frozen low fodmap meals!
5. Invest in a keyring tablet caddy
Now is the time to invest in a pill holder that you can attach to your keyring. This ensures you have lactase enzymes wherever you go so you don’t have to miss out on that impromptu icecream or spontaneous cheesy pizza night just because you’re lactose intolerant/sensitive. I love my very stylish caddy that I was gifted from Gest (it is really pretty!) but I’m sure you can find these on Amazon or at your local chemist.
6. BBQ delights
The great thing about summer is that BBQ’s are so accommodating for IBS-peeps. Stock up on proteins, potatoes, some low fodmap condiments and spice mixes so you can cook one meal that the whole family will enjoy (and be none the wiser about its fodmap status). Knowing you’ve got a meal in the freezer can really take the pressure off when life gets too cray cray.
7. What to bring when your host says not to bring anything
If you haven’t already tried them, our double-choc protein balls are the best thing to bring to an event when your host says not to bring anything. Noone will be able to guess that they’re low fodmap! Just make sure you’ve downloaded the recipe on your phone because lots of people will be asking for it once they’ve tasted one! Find it here 👉🏽
8. What’s your guilty pleasure?
And if it’s one thing that I ALWAYS like to have in the freezer is a go to sweet treat! I hate feeling like I’m missing out when the kids are tucking into a lolly-laden gingerbread house. Having a secret stash of gut-friendly cookies or even a packet of hot chocolate ensures I can join in on the indulgence without suffering any (gut) consequences.
9. Sparkling water
Stockpile some sparkling or mineral water so you’ve got something special to drink. Dressed up with a slice of lime, orange, or a sprig of fresh mint, your sparkling soda can feel celebratory without causing digestive distress. Add a low fodmap serving splash of cranberry juice if you’re looking for something festive.
10. Superflora gut health shakes
Fast, nutritious, and gut-friendly, Superflora shakes are perfect when you’re short on time. Packed with prebiotic fibre and probiotics, they make a great breakfast or snack that supports your digestive health. Superflora is great to have in your pantry so you don’t arrive at a function hungry and easy to pop in your bag if you’re uncertain as to what the food options might be.
Final Thoughts
Take control of your gut health and survive the holidays with your belly intact! What’s your go-to IBS-friendly pantry staple? Share in the comments—we’d love to hear your tips!