Running with IBS


Does running help or hinder your IBS?

How I wish I could out run my IBS!! Frustratingly, running can both exacerbate AND improve your IBS symptoms. Since making my New Year’s resolution to run regularly, here are my tips for running with IBS.

  • Avoid sports gels and drinks, and even fruit juices - they often contain high fodmap ingredients which leads to abdominal pain and cramping.

  • Keep hydrated, always.

  • Avoid food triggers the day of and night before a run, including high fibre and high fat foods.

  • Map out your running route so you always know where public toilets are located. GoogleMaps is your friend!

  • Avoid caffeine before you run, if this triggers bowel movements, and avoid eating 90mins before you run (otherwise I tend to hiccup and burp the whole way).

  • Pack a disaster kit for the car, just in case (change of clothes, toilet paper, wet wipes, etc.). Even if it’s never needed, it’s a nice safety precaution.

For those on a long-term, modified low fodmap diet - be careful of your iron levels. If these drop, so does your energy mid run. And if you’re also on a weight loss diet as I am, I’ve learned to carbo load on Friday nights before race day. There are lots of safe ways to carbo load on a low fodmap diet. The bottom line - stick to foods you know you can tolerate. For me, this means adding some red rice or gluten free pasta to my meal the night before I run.

If you’re struggling with a flare-up, try walking or do run/walk intervals. And if it’s a major flare-up, give yourself permission to cancel or postpone your run. 

Or choose lower intensity exercise in the safety of your own home or at the local gym. And if you’re really struggling, talk with your GP. I’m not a long distance runner so I don’t have to worry about fuelling while I run. If you’re planning an ultra marathon, talk to a dietician about suitable race day foods.

Some days are definitely easier than others. What has surprised me the most - is that my weekly 5km ParkRun has fast become a highlight of my week. Through heatwaves, rainy days, exams, business hiccups, family dramas, IBS flare-ups, etc. it has become my one non-negotiable.  

Want to know more about the effects of exercise on your gut microbiome, check out our blog on the subject here.


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