Love ya’ guts!
How science can improve your gut health.
One meal fits all? Navigating low fodmap cooking with a family
While YOU might be sold on the benefits of the low fodmap diet, chances are that your family (and/or other household members) may be less excited! But working out the logistics of how you’re going to try the low fodmap diet while also cooking for a family is challenging. But don’t let the logistics stop you! Here’s some advice from a fodmapping mum who (mostly) caters for 4 other adults/teens.
Is lactose cramping your style? Managing lactose intolerance on a low-FODMAP diet
If you’re among the 65% with a reduced ability to digest lactose but still enjoy dairy foods, you’ll be glad to know that you’re not alone. Even on a low-FODMAP diet, there are ways to enjoy creamy dairy delights.
What FODMAP is gluten?
Two common questions from people new to a low fodmap diet are 1. what fodmap is gluten and 2. do I have to give up bread on the low fodmap diet? We answer both those questions in this blog and also list safe grain options for both coeliacs and fodmappers.
All things allium on the low FODMAP diet
In this month’s blog we cover all things allium, including onions, garlic and leeks.
We look at why they can be a problem in terms of FODMAPS, what you should avoid and what you can have instead…including some new testing by Monash that will please garlic lovers.
Start your journey
Talk to the team at Noisy Guts to start your journey to better health. If you have questions about our blogs or products please get in touch.