Love ya’ guts!
How science can improve your gut health.
Time to quit?
We all know that smoking is bad for your health. But is it also bad for your gut?
Can you stomach it?
Wouldn’t it be lovely if increasing your iron was as easy as filling up your car with gas? Talking of gas, guess what one of the side-effects of (most) iron preparations is?
What’s your go-to pasta?
We all LOVE pasta. But what’s the best option for those seeking a high-fibre, gut-friendly, low carb pasta option?
Is it time you broke up with white rice?
You may be familiar with white and brown rice. Maybe even black or wild rice. But have you tried red or green rice yet?
Does regular exercise help your gut health?
Does regular exercise help your gut health? Intuitively the answer might seem obvious, but the findings from two reputable clinical trials are mixed. Read more.
Should you avoid caffeine?
Don’t panic! There’s little conclusive evidence that people with IBS should give up caffeine all together. BUT…if caffeine triggers your symptoms, try limiting your intake, drinking water before caffeine consumption and ritualising the experience.
Is skipping meals helpful for IBS?
This 2 min-read provides some practical strategies you can try for managing your IBS.
Can a Kiwi a day keep the doctor away?
Is kiwi, psyllium or prunes more effective in relieving chronic constipation?
Have IBS-D and getting no relief from a low FODMAP diet?
Have IBS-D and getting no relief from a low FODMAP diet? This recent research article suggests that it could be the result of your genes!
Can diet help my IBS?
Diet is a frontline therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). However, 30% of people with IBS simply DO NOT respond to the most popular dietary intervention – the low fodmap diet.
Can yoga improve my gut health?
There have been few attempts in the medical literature to justify yoga as a therapeutic treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
What are FODMAPs?
FODMAPs are short-chain carbohydrates that can be difficult to digest. FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols.
Let’s talk constipation…
Did you know that constipation affects 14% of adults worldwide? And that 75% of people suffering from constipation experience abdominal pain?
Start your journey
Talk to the team at Noisy Guts to start your journey to better health. If you have questions about our blogs or products please get in touch.