Love ya’ guts!

How science can improve your gut health.

Josephine Muir Josephine Muir

What fruit & veg can you eat on the low fodmap diet? (Winter 2024)

Heading to the farmers market on the weekend and wondering what fruit & veg you can eat on the low fodmap diet? We’ve done the research for you - correlating the latest Sydney Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Market Update (June 2024) with the Monash Fodmap App. The result is a shopping and eating guide for those sensitive to fodmaps!

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Josephine Muir Josephine Muir

Are you struggling to find low fodmap fruit at the moment?

Are you struggling to find low fodmap fruit at the moment? We get it! Autumn is arguably the most challenging time of the year to find low fodmap fruit.

Visiting the farmers’ markets is a joy, except in autumn. Like me, you may find that the low fodmap fruit choices currently available aren’t as enticing as at other times of the years. But don’t despair! We’ve pulled data from the most recent Sydney Fruit, Vegetable and Flowers Market Update (April 2024) and correlated this with the low fodmap serving sizes recommended by the Monash app to let you know what to put in your fruit bowl.

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Josephine Muir Josephine Muir

Want more fruit & veg in your (low fodmap) diet?

Wheuf! Fruit & veggies prices are finally on the way down. And the farmers’ markets are currently brimming with fresh seasonal produce. Thankfully, there are lots of options for those following the low fodmap diet.

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