Eat in season: Your guide to low fodmap fruit & veg


As the seasons shift, so does the variety of fresh fruit and vegetables available at your local farmer’s market. And thankfully, this week’s update from the Sydney Fruit, Vegetable, and Flower Market brings some exciting seasonal low fodmap options.

To make your next shopping trip easier, we’re highlighting the best low fodmap fruit & veg to pop into your basket (and those that you might want to avoid). And, of course, we’ll add some recipes along the way to help you make the most out of this season’s fresh produce.


Seasonal fruits

Mangoes are back! But if you’re following a low fodmap diet, you’ll need to enjoy these tropical delights with caution. The Monash Fodmap app lists ripe mango as high in fructose and the recommended low fodmap serving size is 40g. For those looking for a mango alternative, try yellow or green papaya instead.

Blueberries are a superfood for good reason: they’re packed with antioxidants and nutrients. The best part? They’re low fodmap, even at a generous serving size. Whether you sprinkle them over your morning cereal or blend them into your breakfast smoothies, blueberries are a fantastic choice for a gut-friendly snack. Here’s our favourite blueberry burst smoothie recipe 👉🏽

Raspberries are another great option, with a safe serving size of 58g. These vibrant berries can be enjoyed fresh, added to yogurt, or blended into smoothies for a refreshing and nutritious boost. When we’re not eating them straight out of the punnet, here’s our best raspberry coconut protein ball recipe 👉🏽

Bananas are a convenient and affordable snack, but their fodmap content depends on their ripeness. Firm bananas are low fodmap in servings up to 95g (1 medium sized banana), while ripe bananas contain higher amounts of fructans and should be limited to 37g (1/3 of a medium sized banana). If you’re wondering what to do with the other 2/3rds of the banana that you can’t eat, pop it in the freezer and add it to your next smoothie. It tastes delicious with Superflora French Bean Vanilla gut health shake & 250ml lactose-free milk. Or try our Bananarama smoothie recipe 👉🏽

And don’t forget! Many of winter’s citrus fruits have generous low fodmap serving sizes and are still available.


Seasonal vegetables

Cos Lettuce
Lettuce lovers, rejoice! Cos lettuce is an excellent low fodmap foundation for your salad bowl. Whether it’s as the base of a crunchy Caesar salad or wrapped around your favourite fillings, this mild, fibre-rich leafy green will add texture and freshness to any meal without causing any gut distress.

Unlike lettuce, asparagus is high in fructans and fructose, even in small servings. Consider swapping asparagus for low fodmap veggies such as bok choy or zucchini.

Green Beans
Green beans are another great low fodmap veggie to add to your cart, with a safe serving size of 75g (or 15 beans). Toss them into a salad, sauté them with garlic-infused oil, or simply steam them for a quick, easy side dish. Whether you go for machine-harvested or the handpicked variety, green beans offer a satisfying crunch and a wealth of nutrients.

Beetroot adds a vibrant splash of colour to any dish, but can only be enjoyed by fodmappers in very small servings (25g per meal or 2 thin slices). If you’re looking for a similarly nutrient-rich but gut-friendly alternative, try carrots or sweet potatoes instead, both of which are lower in fodmap content.

Celery is another spring staple, but the recommended low fodmap serving size is miserably small. If you love the crunch, consider bulking up your salads with carrots, cucumber or zucchini to keep your plate full while staying within your fodmap threshold.


Lebanese Cucumbers
Cucumbers, especially Lebanese ones, are in season and wonderfully low fodmap at 75g per serving (1/2 medium Lebanese cucumber). Their crisp, hydrating nature makes them a great addition to salads or as a refreshing snack. You can even add them to your favourite low fodmap dips like hummus for a crunchy, satisfying bite. Try our hummus recipes 👉🏽

Zucchini is definitely worth adding to your shopping cart, with a generous safe serving size of up to 67g per meal (1/3 medium zucchini). Whether you’re making zucchini noodles, adding it to a stir-fry, or baking it into muffins, this versatile veggie is easy on the gut and easy on the wallet, with prices as low as $2.50 per kilo this week.

With Halloween just around the corner, pumpkins are everywhere. But be cautious to choose Jarrahdale, Japanese, Kabocha or Kent over other varieties due to fodmap content. Pumpkin is the hero of our latest recipe – Pumpkin with yoghurt sauce and pine nuts.


Final thoughts

Shopping for fresh produce while sticking to a low fodmap diet doesn’t have to be difficult. By focusing on seasonal fruits and vegetables and being mindful of your serving sizes, you can enjoy a colourful, nutrient-packed diet that supports your gut health. Be sure to keep your Monash Fodmap app handy, so you can check serving sizes on the go and make informed choices at the market. Happy shopping, and may your cart be filled with low fodmap goodness!


Master the Monash Fodmap App: 10 FAQs you’ve been dying to ask