The #1 Mistake that makes the low FODMAP diet feel too hard


Ever feel like the low FODMAP diet has sucked all the joy out of eating? Like you’re doomed to bland, boring meals forever? You’re not alone! We hear it all the time: “I can’t eat anything I love!”, “There’s literally nothing left for me to eat!” or “I’m STARVING!” (- which in a house full of teenagers, I hear allll the time). But here’s the truth - this diet isn’t meant to be restrictive forever, and it definitely doesn’t have to be boring. If you’re stuck in a rut, it’s time to break free. Let’s bust the biggest myth - that the low fodmap diet is too restrictive - and show you how to bring flavour, variety, and excitement back to your menu!

The Elimination Phase is just the beginning - don’t get stuck there

3 phases of the Low FODMAP diet

The most common mistake people make is staying in the elimination phase of the low fodmap diet far too long. The elimination phase - where you remove all high-FODMAP foods - is designed to be temporary, typically lasting 2–6 weeks. Its purpose is to reduce your gut health symptoms, not to be your forever diet.

But what happens when people feel good during elimination? They get scared to introduce new foods, so they stick to the same handful of “safe” meals, leading to frustration, nutrient deficiencies and food boredom.

Think we’re exaggerating? A systematic review by Bek et al. (2022) found that people with IBS often have diets significantly deficient in vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc compared to UK and US recommended intakes. Those following the low FODMAP diet had lower intakes of vitamins B1, B2, B9, calcium, iron, and magnesium than healthy controls. These findings were confirmed by a more recent study by Bertin et al (2024) that also found that excluding dairy products could result in decreased calcium intake, and deficiencies in vitamins B1, B2, B9, and D are associated with significant restriction of vegetables and fruits on the low fodmap diet. 

💡 Solution: Once symptoms are under control, move to the re-introduction phase to systematically test foods and expand your diet. The goal is to find your personal triggers, not to avoid all FODMAPs forever!

🛠️ Resource: If you’re not feeling confident about tackling re-introductions alone, find a fodmap-trained dietitian using this resource. Or email us at and we’ll provide a personal recommendation.

🔎 Pro tip: If you’re new to IBS and the FODMAP acronym is still freaking you out, don’t panic! We’ve got loads of explanatory blogs and videos to share to get you up to speed. Here’s a blog to get you started.

There’s more variety than you think

eat the rainbow on the low fodmap diet

It’s easy to feel like ALLLLL your favourite foods are off-limits, but the low FODMAP diet isn’t as restrictive as it seems once you get creative.

Instead of lamenting the foods you can’t have, try this mindset shift: focus on colour and variety within what you can eat.

For example:

  • Swap orange carrots for purple or yellow carrots - same taste, but different phytonutrients.

  • Try different types of potatoes - red, purple, and white potatoes all have unique textures.

  • Experiment with different rice varieties - basmati, jasmine, red, green or black rice all bring something new to the table (📢 public service announcement – green rice did NOT go down well in my household! A blend of black & white is the current winner, despite their different cooking times)

  • Mix up your proteins - if chicken breast is getting boring, try salmon, lamb, eggs or 170g of firm tofu.

  • Think beyond just “safe” veggies - yes, broccoli stems are high FODMAP, but broccoli florets in small amounts are fine. And there are plenty of gut-friendly veggies like spinach, bok choy, zucchini, and capsicum (⛔️ NB. green, red, orange and yellow capsicum all have different low fodmap serving sizes!)

🛠️ Resource: Use the Monash Fodmap App or Fodmap Friendly App to confirm the recommended low fodmap serving size of fruit and veggies. Just because it’s the same type of veggie ie., capsicum doesn’t mean that all varieties have the same fodmap content. They don’t!

Save your “safe” foods for flare-ups

IBS flare ups

When you have IBS, it’s tempting to eat the same “safe” foods day in, day out. While this can be comforting, it can also make the diet feel dull and overly restrictive. Instead, consider reserving comfort foods for flare-ups, rather than eating them as part of your weekly rotation.

For example, my safety food blanket is either plain rice, tuna and lactose-free yoghurt, or grilled chicken with baked carrots. These two meals are perfect as my comfort foods during flare-ups (or my go-to dishes when the family are eating something laced with garlic and onion!). On symptom-free days, experiment with new low FODMAP options - this keeps your diet more exciting and gives your gut a broader range of nutrients.

💡 Solution: Consider reserving your ‘safe meals’ for flare-ups rather than eating them on repeat.

👍🏽 Suggestion: If available, try stock-piling some pre-prepared frozen or home delivery low fodmap meals, so you’ve always got a back-up. Try We Feed You. But given that they’re not available in WA, try pre-made sauces so you can whip up something new on low energy days. My favourite is the Fodmapped for You Green Curry simmer sauce - you’ll find it in your local grocery store.

👍🏽 Recommendation: As always, our certified low FODMAP shakes are a great option to support you. Try one of our smoothie recipes for low FODMAP inspiration. Click here for our nutty velvet smoothie recipe - with avocado, banana and almonds!

Make low FODMAP meals more exciting

The truth is, food boredom isn’t about restriction - it’s about routine. If you eat the same meals over and over, of course, you’re going to feel stuck. The key is to make low FODMAP meals feel just as exciting as your old favourites.

Try these strategies:

  • Use LOTS of herbs and spices - fresh herbs like basil, chives, coriander, and spices like cumin and paprika can make a world of difference to any meal. Look for new onion and/or garlic-flavoured olive oils (or learn how to make your own by clicking this link). They’re a great way of adding familiar flavours to your favourite dishes.

  • Find gut-friendly condiments - low FODMAP ketchup, mustard, and Worcestershire sauce can add layers of flavour. I like Fody’s barbecue sauce..

  • Experiment with cooking techniques - roast your veggies with olive oil and rosemary, grill your proteins, or try air-frying for extra crunch. Last week I saw a low fodmapper on Insta using broken up rice crackers as a crumb for chicken schnitzels! I haven’t tried it yet, but I bet it’s crunchy!

  • Recreate your favourite meals in a low FODMAP way - love pasta? Use gluten-free pasta with a homemade tomato-free sauce. Love tacos? Use corn tortillas and swap in a low FODMAP salsa like Smoke N Sanity’s mild salsa.

  • Mix & match - use our mix & match system to create a wide variety of low FODMAP dinners. We’ve put the hard work in to checking the FODMAP content of the ingredients, so you don’t have to. Read how you can make up to 78 Low FODMAP combos in our blog.


The bottom line

The low FODMAP diet is not meant to be restrictive forever - it’s a tool to help you identify your triggers, not a life sentence. By moving through the elimination phase, adding variety to your meals, and keeping a mix of exciting and comforting foods in your rotation, you can make this diet sustainable and enjoyable.

So the next time you catch yourself thinking, “There’s nothing I can eat,” take a deep breath and remember—there’s a whole world of delicious, gut-friendly food waiting for you. It’s just a matter of finding what works for you! And when all else fails – eat chocolate. 5 squares (30g) of dark choc is low in fodmaps and should be tolerated by most individuals with IBS! Or if plain choc just aint doing it for you, try our double-choc cookies. Click this link for the recipe!

Want to read more, try these:

Bek S, Teo YN, Tan XH, Fan KHR, Siah KTH. Association between irritable bowel syndrome and micronutrients: A systematic review [published online ahead of print, 2022 May 17]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022;10.1111/jgh.15891.


Bertin, L.; Zanconato, M.; Crepaldi, M.; Marasco, G.; Cremon, C.; Barbara, G.; Barberio, B.; Zingone, F.; Savarino, E.V. The Role of the FODMAP Diet in IBS. Nutrients 202416, 370.


Blog written by: Noisy Guts CEO Josephine Muir, PhD. Prior to co-founding Noisy Guts with Dr Mary Webberley, Josephine was the Associate Director of the Marshall Centre for Infectious Diseases at The University of Western Australia.


All FODMAPs are not created equal


Autumn Eats: The Low FODMAP Fruit & Veg Cheat Sheet 🍂