Love ya’ guts!
How science can improve your gut health.
Are you on the IBS rollercoaster?
Living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can be a rollercoaster. Symptoms come, symptoms go. But what we all know to be true is that stress plays a major role. So how can you best manage your IBS and reduce flare-ups when life is more chaotic than usual? Here’s what I learned about my IBS (and myself) during a recent kitchen makeover.
5 reasons to love PHGG prebiotic fibre
Partially hydrolysed guar gum (PHGG) is pretty special. There are multiple human trials from across the globe demonstrating that PHGG improves gut health. It also influences the gut microbiome and its metabolites.
Endo, PCOS + IBS
Every wondered about the overlap between polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis & IBS? Our guest blogger Briony Blake, Accredited Practising Dietitian, shares her insight & expertise.
What Winter fruit & veggies can I eat on the low fodmap diet?
What fruit & veggies can you eat on the low fodmap diet? The farmers’ markets are currently brimming with fresh seasonal produce and there’s lots of options for those following the low fodmap diet.
Eat the rainbow
Eating a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables is a great way to ensure that you are getting all of the nutrients that your body needs.
All fruit and vegetables contain fibre and vitamins. However, different colours are associated with different phytochemicals that have unique health benefits.
Exercise and the gut microbiome
You’d expect diet to affect your gut microbiome. But what about that other lifestyle staple - exercise? We explore how your level of exercise affects your gut microbiome. The findings may surprise you.
Can you eat out on the low fodmap diet?
Eating out can be tricky if you struggle with gut health issues. However, don’t let your sensitive gut get in the way of spending time with family & friends and celebrating special occasions at a restaurant. While you can’t control every ingredient that goes on your plate when someone else does the cooking for you, there are some options that are more likely to suit those following the low fodmap diet. And sometimes it's about making the best available choice.
This blog is for you if:
👉🏽 you struggle to decide what to order when you're at a restaurant
👉🏽 you second guess your decision to accept an invitation to dinner
👉🏽 you're not sure which restaurant/take-away is likely to be the most fodmap friendly
Are you too....(tired, busy, overwhelmed) to try the low FODMAP diet?
Are you overwhelmed by the sheer thought of the low fodmap diet? This IS NOT a blog about the how best to adopt the low fodmap diet. This is a blog for those who are simply TOO busy and TOO overwhelmed to even consider it. If you hear yourself saying “I know I SHOULD try it but I’ve just got too much on my plate at the moment”, here is our “pre” low fodmap diet advice. We’ve pulled together some tried and tested strategies to change what’s on your plate without you even noticing the difference.
Five reasons why we use the probiotic LactoSpore®️ Bacillus coagulans MTCC 5856
We found a probiotic with extensive clinical evidence of a beneficial effect on digestive health, plus it has four other advantages. Find the full picture in our blog on why we include Bacillus coagulans MT5856 in Superflora.
How to add flavour to low-FODMAP dishes
If you’re searching for new pantry staples to add flavour to your cooking, here are our 5 top tips to help you add bling not blah to your low-FODMAP dishes.
What makes a great smoothie?
Smoothies are a great way to start the day. But what are the key ingredients for a Super Smoothie?
Five reasons to snack on dark chocolate
The cocoa bean was first harvested, processed and enjoyed by the indigenous people of Mesoamerica around 1,500 years ago. We give you five reasons why you should also enjoy dark chocolate.
Why did we create Superflora gut health shakes?
Did you know that up to 1 in 5 Aussies suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
About 70% of IBS sufferers gain relief from their gut health symptoms by following a diet low in fermentable carbs. But following a low fodmap diet isn’t easy. And that’s why we created Superflora shakes - to make life just a little easier.
What vegetables can I eat on the low fodmap diet?
What vegetables can you eat on the low fodmap diet? The farmers’ markets are currently brimming with fresh seasonal produce and there’s lots of options for those following the low fodmap diet.
What fruit can I eat on the low fodmap diet?
What fruit can you eat on the low fodmap diet? And why this week’s fruit and vegetable market update is grim news for fodmappers.
While the markets are awash with new season fruits, sadly there’s slim pickings for those following the low fodmap diet. IBS peeps - beware! Many of this week’s seasonal fruits are high in fructans, sorbitol and fructose making them unsuitable at even moderate serving sizes for those with gut health issues.
Fibre for Fodmappers
So what happened when a dietitian, a nutritionist and an IBS researcher walked into a bar? You bet they talked a lot of poop!
Re-watch all the action in the webinar - “Fibre for Fodmappers: building better bowels in IBS” featuring Ele Stojanoska (Dietetic Gut Clinic), Shaynie Ashkenazi (Fodshop) and Dr Josephine Muir (Noisy Guts).
What does Monash Certification mean?
Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes for a product to get the little blue Monash logo? We give you the lowdown and explain why it means you can consume all our products with confidence.
What is FODMAP stacking?
In this blog we explain the term stacking. Why it’s likely not a problem for you, but if it is, how you can avoid it.
Like many things in life, success with the FODMAP diet can be all about timing and enjoying things in moderation.
6 ways to pump up your breakfast with extra protein
6 breakfast ideas that pack a protein punch
We all need protein to survive and thrive. Protein powder can be a quick & easy way to add more protein into your diet. But drinking shakes every day can get boring and repetitive. We've come up with 6 breakfast ideas jam-packed with protein to kickstart your day. Check out our favs and choose what you’re eating next for breakfast!
What kind of milk can I drink on the low-FODMAP diet?
Looking for a lactose-free replacement for cow’s milk and not sure of your options?
We give you the low-down on what’s low-FODMAP and what’s not in the milk aisle.
Start your journey
Talk to the team at Noisy Guts to start your journey to better health. If you have questions about our blogs or products please get in touch.